We cultivate the desire to learn and believe that enthusiasm is contagious, which is why we put the passion that drives us for the field of space at the service of knowledge transmission.
We welcome all our visitors, young and old, with a smile and we accompany them on the journey of a lifetime... to the farthest reaches of the universe.
- INNOVATION: Whether in terms of new technologies, processes, internal operations, information and communication, the Euro Space Center is always trying to innovate in order to offer its visitors the best possible experience.
- PASSION: There's nothing like passion to enhance learning. This is the leitmotiv of the Euro Space Center staff members. Transmitting knowledge with the passion that drives us for everything related to space, whether directly or indirectly.
- SHARING: Sharing knowledge, the desire to learn, and unique experience is another of the Euro Space Center’s core values.
- FRIENDLINESS: We make it a point of honor to welcome and accompany our visitors during their visit to the Euro Space Center with a smile and give the easy access to various attractions in an friendly atmosphere.
- ACCESS TO KNOWLEDGE FOR ALL: Whether young or old, the Euro Space Center tries to ensure that all sections of the population have access to knowledge about space by adapting its stories to the different audiences present.